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Ko Rongotai te moana
Ko Taranaki whanui ki te Upoko o te Ika te tangata whenua
No reira,
Ko Amélie Kelder tōku ingoa
Ko Brian McDermott taku hoa rangatira
Ko Lila raua Ko Oona te Take
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.
Ka mahuta a Matariki i te pae,
Ka mahuta o tātou te tau.
Matariki! Kia ora! A new beginning. You may be thinking, we are halfway through the academic year, so why does she talk of a new beginning? But what if today was a new beginning for you too, for us all? Matariki is the time to stop, reflect, refresh. To reflect on our abilities, our challenges, our goals, individually and collectively.
Today, starting with this beautiful welcoming ceremony, I am taking on a new challenge, a new aspiration, a new start.
Matariki would not be a super star without the presence of her sisters. Support or manaaki is what gives us the strength to be who we are and who we want to be. Without the people who brought me here to you, I could not have become your tumuaki. They challenged me, they encouraged me, they listened to my fears, my dreams, my excitement. I would like to acknowledge you all and thank you for believing in me.
Now, as I stand here at St Catherine’s, on the whenua of Taranaki Te Āti Awa, the journey is just starting. I will need each of you to guide me, to share with me how you would like me to support you, support all of us to become superstars. I commit to becoming a tumuaki that supports you, ākonga mā, kaimahi mā, kaiako mā, whatever the situation, and who enables you to celebrate who you are and who you want to be. I commit to working hard alongside you, the board, to make St Catherine’s College the place of faith that celebrates excellence and wellbeing.
Whānau is everything. Any important event or step in your life requires support. E Te Kura o Hāta Katarina, you are well known for your sisterhood. May pono, mana taurite mō te mana tangata guide us always.
Now, it is time to reflect on how we have progressed on our resolutions. We need to think about who has helped us to move forward, and who we might need to continue pursuing our goals?
On my part, I am so looking forward to being part of your whānau, our whānau, a whānau that supports and nurtures each other mō ake tonu atu.
Nō reira, tēnā rā koutou, tēnā rā koutou, otirā tēna tātou katoa.
18 Sep 2024
18 Sep 2024
19 Sep 2024
25 Sep 2024
25 Sep 2024
26 Sep 2024
God of community, in life we need to work well with others. Give me patience and understanding and help wm bring out the best in other, appreciating what they have to offer. Amen
Community Notices
Year 9 and 13 Peer Support Dessert and Movie Night - for Year 9 teina and Year 13 tuakana: Friday 20th September in Studio 1 - from 5.30pm - 7.30pm. Dress up in your pyjamas or onesies. Start with dessert in Studio 1; finish with a movie up in Studio 2.
Tū Wahine / Kapa Haka Pānui - Go and watch the Moana reo Māori movie in A14 today at break 2.
Media Notices
Magazine Committee is on tomorrow from 3:30 to 4:30! Please check classroom for any updates if you cannot attend! Thank you!
Special Character Notices (Eucharistic Programme, Mercy Crew)
Cup Noodles - there will be a House cup noodle competition for Mercy Week. Bring in instant noodles for house points. There will be a Whānau cup (and packet) noodle stacking competition on Mercy Day!
Kupu o te rā - "Hari Rāhina!" "Happy Monday!
Other Notices
BoT Student Representative voting - this will be done via Google form during Whānau time on Thursday 19 September. Voting will be closed off at the end of Whānau. If you are going to be absent, please log on to your school email at the required time otherwise you will not be able to vote. Mrs Perry (Returning Officer)
Spirit of God, help me to grow in faith, imagination and creativity so that I may help others to flourish. E te Ariki, whakarongo mai rā ki a matou.
Curriculum Areas Notices (Staff)
University of Otago JuniorMaths Competition is coming. Its aim is to promote and encourage mathematics and problem-solving. Every year a large range of students enter, enjoy the competition, and benefit from it. For any student year 9 - 11, it will be held in week beginning 8 April, takes 50 mins and is a mixture of multichoice and short answer questions. You will receive a certificate (from Participation up to Excellence). If you wish to take part, see Mrs Hinchliffe in the Maths office this week. Cost is $5.
YEAR 13 please come to the Sacred Space for a whānau hui now. Kia tere, move swiftly please. Mrs O'Brien
Environmental Notices
Environmental commttiee is on today at break 2 in A11. Come along and create some posters for the new recycling bins that will be going up around the school in a couple of days.:)
Special Character Notices (Eucharistic Programme, Mercy Crew)
YAFA on this Thursday from 4.30pm to 6.30pm and the entry fee is $2. Sign up sheet is up on Mrs O'Brien's classroom door. YAFA is here this time.
There is a easter egg drive on at the moment and feel free to donate some easter eggs. There is a house point given for every easter egg donated. Bring the eggs to A14 (Mrs O'Brien's room) before whanau time and there will be a box for each house.
Kupu o te rā
Rongo mā Tāne
Atua of kumara and all cultivated foods
Ko Rongo mā Tāne te atua o te kūmara me ngā kai whakatō.
Rongo mā Tāne is the atua of kūmara and cultivated foods.
Lord Jesus, help me to grow in your image to become more fully human. Help me to respect and value others and myself. Help me to work for justice. Amen.
Curriculum Areas Notices (Staff)
There are learning conversations on in whaanau time now. Your whaanau teacher will tell you where to go to meet your teacher. You wll neeed to have your device with you so you can work on your responses in KAMAR on do it on paper. Short term international students go to Room A20
PE200/300- sign in at the office and do your work in Studio 1 this week.
Cultural Notices (Art, Drama, Music)
Guitar lessons: 9:15 Ake, Maasa, Iftu. 9:40 Julia, Maeve, Maisie
Debating Meeting - Junior Cert Lunch time in Room 8 Junior Cert Debating team please meet in Room 8 at lunchtime.
O'Shea Shield audition sheets sign up are on the culture board in Studio 2.
Whakaruruhau/student services/Wellbeing notices
Kupu o te rā
Atua of earthquakes and volcanoes
Ko Rūaumoko te atua o ngā rū me ngā puia.
Rūaumoko is the atua of earthquakes and volcanoes.
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